There are many benefits to surrounding yourself with nature both inside and outside the home. Plants can ease stress levels, improve the air quality in the room and, as a consequence, increase your productivity. Make your home a sanctuary by selecting plants that not only look attractive but help lift your mood and restore your wellbeing. It’s worth doing your research to find the appropriate plant for your environment. Some are particularly good at purifying the air. Others are excellent humidifiers. By selecting the right plant for your home, apparently you can boost your immune system and improve respiratory health. Herbs are often grown in the kitchen and give the added benefit of culinary flavour. A diverse range of plant-life around your home is the ideal. Thankfully new businesses have tuned into this trend and there are now many more choices when sourcing greenery. Look online for direct deliveries and purchase from a company that will give you specific advice and ongoing support to help you look after your new housemate. Every plant is an investment so it’s important to acquire the appropriate advice. We are not all natural botanists. Start small. Keep it manageable. Gain confidence before expanding your collection.
Make Plants a feature
Group coordinating pots
Seek advice from experts
In the same way that pets force you to take responsibility for another living creature, the same can be said for your plants. Caring for them is a relaxing distraction from the mundane and will give you a sense of pride when they start to flourish. Make it personal. Give them a name. You’ll find it much harder to neglect them if they take on a personality. Enjoy the time spent nurturing them and see it as a mindful activity; a time to just be; a moment to relax and focus on something positive. It is only when we connect with nature that we start to enjoy the real benefits.
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